Paléorient 44.1
In Memoriam
Jean-Paul Thalmann (1946-2017) par G. Gernez
H. A. Amirkhanov
The Middle Acheulian site Meshhed III in Wadi Douan (Republic of Yemen)
F. R. Valla
Sedentism, the “point of non return”, and the Natufian issue. An historical perspective
B. Finlayson and C.A. Makarewicz
Contextualising Beidha, Jordan, in the Southern Levantine PPNB: Communal architecture and chronology
E.B. Banning, K. Abu Jayyab, P. Hitchings, I. Ullah, S. Rhodes, E. Yasui, E. Gibbon, N. Handziuk and A. Glasser
Jawafat Shaban and the Late Neolithic in Wâdî al-Bîr, Northern Jordan
M.D. Price, C.A. Makarewicz and M.S. Chesson
Domestic animal production and consumption at Tall al-Handaquq South (Jordan) in the Early Bronze III
L. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Wu, G.K. Chen, P. Wang, H. Wang and K. Wang
Ancient mud-brick architecture of Northwest China
C. Schmidt
Pastoral Nomadism in third millennium BC Eastern Arabia: A view from Al-Zebah in Central Oman
S. Döpper
Towers and ditches in third millennium BC Eastern Arabia: A view from Building II at Bat, Sultanate of Oman
M. Heydari, F. Desset and M. Vidale
Bronze Age glyptics of Eastern Jazmurian, Iran
M. AL-Maqdissi et E. Ishaq,
Notes d’archéologie levantine LXII. Une statuette des ancêtres à Palmyre (Syrie), datée du deuxième millénaire av. J.-C. (archives R. du Mesnil du Buisson)
Berillon G. et Asgari Khaneghah A. (éd.) 2016. Garm Roud. Une halte de chasse en Iran. Paléolithique supérieur. Prigonrieux : @rchéo-é ; Téhéran : IFRI
Par S. Soriano
Lefèvre V., Didier A. and Mutin B. (eds.) 2016. South Asian Archaeology and Art, Volume 1. Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols (Indicopleustoi, Archaeologies of the Indian Ocean 12,1)
By C.P. Thornton
Cruells W., Mateiciucová I. and Nieuwenhuyse O. (eds.) 2017. Painting Pots – Painting People: Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books
Par J.S. Baldi
Tsuneki A., Nieuwenhuyse O. and Campbell S. (eds.) 2017. The Emergence of Pottery in West Asia. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books
By A. Gómez Bach